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Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs
Thousands of dogs drown in backyard swimming pools annually (actual numbers are unknown because most incidents go unreported). The problem is that many...
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Depression May Increase Risk of Low Back Pain
Patients with symptoms of depression are at increased risk of developing a new episode of low back pain compared with those who are not depressed, a meta-analysis...
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Curvy Girls Fundraiser
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FREE Weight Loss Seminar – June 23rd
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The Sunshine Vitamin: Benefits of Vitamin D3
For a long time vitamin D3 was simply regarded as the anti-rickets and bone-health vitamin. Because it was originally labeled as a vitamin, it was seemingly...
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Think Before You Dive
One of the most preventable causes of spinal cord injuries is diving. Generally a single person decides to take a single dive that results in a life-altering...
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Ask the Doctors
Q: I have just been diagnosed with Scoliosis…What are my options? A: Scoliosis is defined as the lateral bending and twisting of the spine.  It is a 3-dimensional...
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Spinal Stenosis Symptoms and Diagnosis
Generally speaking, the various types of spinal stenosis produce similar symptoms. The most common symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis include leg pain...
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Free Scoliosis Screening Schedule
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Water Therapy Exercises
The techniques used in water therapy exercise for back pain include spa therapy, standing or floating pool exercises, swimming, and conditioning using...
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