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50 Sources of Plant-Based Protein
  SOURCE: https://healthy.co.id/blog/50-sources-of-plant-protein-infographic/
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Got Back Pain? These Natural Fixes Can Help
Suffering from back pain that never seems to let up? You’re not alone. Back pain affects eight in 10 people at some point in their lives, and it can last...
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LISS Welcomes Congressman Israel
Pictures from the Event: [slideshow_deploy id=’2455′]
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10 of the Most Productive Ways to Nap
There are two types of naps. First, there’s the type of nap that turns into a complete snoozefest. You plop down on the couch with the intention of getting...
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The 7-Minute Routine for Back Pain Relief
Few things in life are as frustrating as back pain (aside from maybe coffee shops with no Wi-Fi ). If you’re dealing with it, you’re not alone: One in...
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6 ‘Healthy’ Foods with Tons of Sugar
Sugar is a dangerous drug. Overconsumption is associated with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, premature aging, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, depression,...
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7 Reasons to Start Your Day with Lemon Water
  SOURCE: http://health.clevelandclinic.org/2015/06/7-reasons-to-start-your-day-with-lemon-water-infographic/
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Tips for Back-to-School Safety on the Roads
In 2013, more than 330 child pedestrians died and another 13,000 were injured while going to or from school. Over the last decade, about one-third of the...
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Health Tips for Men in Their 40s & 50s
1. De-Stress. For many men, career, financial, and family pressures can make the 40s and 50s a very stressful time. And stress is a known risk factor for...
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Quick Fix For Back Pain — Stretch Your Hip Flexors
Low-back pain is plaguing the nation! And if you run, bike, or sit too much, tight hips could be contributing to the ache around your spine. A major hip...
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