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Apple Cider Vinegar and Health
You probably have a bottle of apple cider vinegar in your pantry right now. It’s a tasty addition to homemade pickles, marinades, and salad dressing, but...
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5 Reasons Your Body Needs More Water During Colder Months
In the summer, drinking more water comes naturally for a lot of people. After all, there’s nothing like a hot, humid and active day that gets you to reach...
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Performance Enhancing Drugs in High School
The following was written by Dr. Laurence E. Mermelstein, M.D. There are a fair amount of people who continue to remain ambivalent regarding athletes like...
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15 Safety Tips to Prevent a Back Injury During Your Fall Cleanup
Raking up a gigantic pile of leaves might seem like a simple task, however, if it’s done too abruptly with poor body mechanics, you can EASILY strain your precious...
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American Heart Association Luncheon
 Pictures from the Event: [slideshow_deploy id=’2452′]  
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Thanksgiving Food Drive
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Breast Cancer Walk
Long Island Spine Specialists, P.C. supports the Making Strides Towards Breast Cancer walk at Jones Beach! We are proud to have raised $650.00 towards...
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9 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Boost Your Recall Now—and Later
You can’t find your keys. The name of your mailman is on the tip of your tongue. Here are surprising tricks that will help you remember stuff today—and...
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11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Those are famous words from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, often called the father of Western...
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Fall Foliage Guide
  SOURCE: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/the-complete-guide-to-fall-foliage-infographic.html
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