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Make Exercise Work for You
What if you could feel good, look better, and save money, all while reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes? You can! Increasing your...
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If You Have Low Back Pain, Stand Up
Most of us have experienced some sort of back pain at one point or another. Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is one of...
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Are Your Jeans to Blame for Your Back Pain?
You tend to blame back pain on habits like poor posture, overly aggressive workouts, or an awkward sleeping position. But your clothes may also be to blame,...
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Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up
Stress is what you feel when you have too much to handle. You may have too much work to do, or you may be having trouble with children or a spouse. If...
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The Prevalence of Back Pain in School Kids Who Use Backpacks
While back pain is a known and widely-studied issue in adults, its prevalence in school-aged children has received comparatively little scientific attention....
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Study Found Nine Modifiable Triggers for Low Back Pain
Distraction was the greatest risk factor by far for new-onset acute low back pain (LBP), according to a new case-crossover study. The study, published...
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7 Best Yoga Poses to Soothe Back Pain
Achy back? Give yoga a go. Multiple studies have shown the power of the ancient practice, which emphasizes stretching, strength, and flexibility, to relieve...
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How You Can Eat to Beat Back Pain
When it comes to inflammation, a known cause for back pain, it’s true that you are what you eat. Many foods have been shown to reduce inflammation, as...
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Don’t Be Fooled By Shoulder Pain!
Pain felt in the shoulder area can sometimes be coming from your neck. This is because the nerves and muscles that arise from your neck pass through your...
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Golf and Low Back Pain
As with so many health conditions, a little effort to prevent back injury and low back pain goes a long way.  Three key areas of prevention for the sport...
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