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1643560531 747b0720 b0b5 4116 908f 147763fa921b
How to be Happier in 3 Easy Steps
“I don’t want to be happier,” said nobody ever. Even if you identify as being generally happy, the idea that you could increase your happiness is still...
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Back Pain Through the Ages
Most people will experience back pain at some point, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people come to accept a level of discomfort as part and parcel...
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What To Do Now if Your Asthma is Worse in Winter
Sniff. Cough. Sneeze. Cold weather can be tough on all of us, but if you have asthma, winter can literally take your breath away. For many people, asthma is...
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What is Kyphosis?
Kyphosis can refer to the normal curvature of the spine. However, this information is about abnormal kyphosis, which is spinal curvature causing a hunchback...
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7 Ways to Walk More When You Work from Home
Many people dream of working from home, but you may not realize that people who work from home face a few challenges. For me, the two biggest challenges...
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When is the Best Time to Get a Flu Shot?
The new school year has barely begun, but pharmacies and doctors offices are already encouraging us to line up for our flu shots. But the Centers for Disease...
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Is Sleeping On The Floor Actually Good For Your Back?
I’m pretty sure Drake spoke for the majority of people when he sang, “I only love my bed and my mom.” That’s because beds (and, yeah, moms) are freaking...
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5 Signs You’re Eating Premade Restaurant Food
When you go out to a restaurant, do you know the signs that food is mostly premade? Most restaurant food does involve some premade ingredients. This allows...
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7 Questions to Ask Your Doctor When You’re Feeling Tired All the Time
Do you dread the sound of your morning alarm and struggle to get up? Or do you find yourself reaching for coffee throughout the day just to keep going?...
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5 Hacks for Much Less Stressful Mornings
Many of us struggle with mornings, and it’s not just the sleepiness, even though most of us are getting less than seven hours of sleep a night on average....
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