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1643437971 47f1d5a6 6627 4eaa bc0c 0e4852336447
10 Things Confident People Don’t Do
In “The Empire Strikes Back,” when Yoda is training Luke to be a Jedi, he demonstrates the power of the Force by raising an X-wing fighter from a swamp....
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1643437964 c8e8e099 3c95 4cbe 85d3 d065d4728434
Treadmill or Elliptical? How to Decide What’s Your Best Workout
While treadmills and ellipticals offer many of the same exercise benefits, your goals and physical condition should guide you. Here are several considerations...
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1643437954 c706f45c e23b 47ce b624 956863dae8e8
Why We Look Like Our Names, According To Psychology
If you automatically know someone you’re just meeting is named Katie, there’s a good reason for that. This common phenomenon draws attention to the fact...
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1643437945 bb0c6b64 ba0b 48b5 a343 c69700d1bbdd
8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.
Life is busy. It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. If you have a full-time job and kids, it’s even harder. How do you move forward? If you...
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1643437937 c65750ce d06f 4fee bcde 88cfcfa60020
5 Reasons to Walk Barefoot This Spring
After a long, cold winter, there’s nothing quite as refreshing as kicking off your shoes in the spring and feeling the grass beneath your feet. Walking...
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1643437928 14209394 b6dd 4c17 b766 32887f06060a
Watercress, Where Have You Been All Of Our Lives?
What do you think about watercress? If you are like many people, probably not much, and that’s too bad. Watercress is a powerhouse of nutrients and is...
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1643437920 abe77d29 3258 4881 bb68 da4425ac183e
5 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamins and Minerals
The amount of vitamins and minerals you absorb from the foods you eat can range from 10 percent to 90 percent! Why is the range so large? Several factors...
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7 Habits That Will Significantly Enhance Your Day
Socrates once said, “The soul, like the body, accepts by practice whatever habit one wishes it to contact.” You are what you put energy into. If you focus...
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You’re Drinking More Calories In Your Coffee Than You Think
For some of us, the best part of waking up is a piping hot cup of coffee. However, a majority of Americans are doctoring those drinks with a lot of added...
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11 Ways to Reduce Stress in 5 Minutes or Less
Relieving stress doesn’t have to be a complicated or time-intensive process. There are many quick and easy ways to help you relax and let go of tension....
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