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1643438045 ae24353b 0899 491b a499 79aee29fe08e
Great News! A Hot Bath Could Have Similar Benefits To Exercise
This is not a drill. A steamy bath could have a couple of health benefits similar to those produced by exercise, according to a recent study. Research...
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You’re Busy, Not Powerless: Why Your ‘No Time’ Excuse Is BS
It’s likely that most of you have heard the phrase “time is of the essence.” This quote, applicable to many facets of everyday life, stresses the importance...
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10 Foods You Should Avoid Before A Workout
Eating before your workout can help fuel the workout and boost your performance. But you’ll be surprised to find out that some foods (even healthy foods)...
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Obsessed With Your Phone? Tips for Elbow, Thumb, Neck Pain
You’re constantly grabbing your smartphone to check the weather, watch videos, read the news, check in with family, text friends, play games and look things...
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1643438019 e3909be8 db52 4c25 9223 51ce48f7054a
6 Ways To Finally Become A Morning Person
Pop quiz: How do you react when your alarm goes off? A) Hit the snooze button a half dozen times. B) Begrudgingly slide out of bed. C) Toss the covers...
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1643438011 e19d31fb 19f5 492c b141 24880282fc6e
Study Suggests Eating With Others May Be the Biggest Diet Struggle
Trying to consistently eat healthy at home is a hard enough job on its own, but sticking to a healthy diet during social events where there’s tempting...
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1643438004 266f87ab 9130 4126 b370 a36fb2b282c7
8 Ways to Detox Your Home
We are exposed to more synthetic chemicals in our food, air and water, than ever before. While many people avoid chemicals in their food, the sad fact...
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12 Natural Remedies that Boost Hair Growth
Hair loss affects both men and women. While genetics plays a role, there are other factors, including: hormonal imbalances, an underactive thyroid gland,...
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Adventurous People Might Be Healthier Than The Rest Of Us
Scientists may have evidence that our personality plays into our eating habits. People who are open and extroverted eat more fruits and vegetables than...
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Healthy Or Hype? 5 Food Label Claims That May Seduce You To Over-eat
Have you ever purchased one food item over another because the nutrient claim on the package gave you the impression that it was the healthier choice?...
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