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5 Best Ways to Safeguard Your Joints as You Age
If you’re like most people, you don’t think much about your joints until they start complaining. But your joints deserve attention long before they cause continuous...
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How To Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination is the vile habit that impedes all of us from achieving anything in a timely manner. In a world where we have literally everything at our...
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Smartphone Use and Kids Leads to Aches and Pains
They’re not growing pains. Instead, they’re aches and strains caused by how kids use their smartphones and tablets. And doctors say they’re seeing more...
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Dear Science: Why do I always get sick when the seasons change?
Dear Science,  I’m so glad that it’s finally fall — I love this weather. But as usual, I’ve got a cold. It seems like everyone gets sick as the seasons...
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30 Smart Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Fall
Cooler temperatures and pretty soon falling leaves serve as a reminder that the fall season is fast approaching. As the seasons change, so do our activities...
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3 Easy Exercises Everyone Should Do to Prevent Back Pain
If you’ve ever suffered from back pain (after spin class, maybe?), you know how debilitating it can be. No one wants to be sidelined from a workout or...
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5 Healthy Eating Tips for Working at Home
Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. You can attend a conference call in your jammy-jams, choose your own laptop-friendly work venue and...
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How to play fantasy football: A beginner’s guide
Whether of your own volition or due to coercion from friends/family/coworkers, if you’re reading this article you’re likely playing fantasy football for...
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Your Coffee May Keep Your Brain From Recognizing Sugar
Coffee can feel like magic in the way it powers you through your mornings and offers a host of health benefits. But it’s not all good news: Your cup of...
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Here’s What That Snooze Button Is Really Doing For Your Sleep
When your alarm goes off in the morning, are you ever tempted to hit snooze? Do you often allow yourself an extra seven minutes, or fifteen, or forty…?...
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