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Should Your Child With Scoliosis Skip Sports? 4 Myths Busted
If your child has scoliosis, it’s normal to worry about which activities are safe and what’s off limits. Many sports may seem too risky. Scoliosis causes...
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Love to Make Smoothies? Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes
Smoothies offer a convenient and refreshing way to fuel your day. But certain bad habits will keep you from getting that burst of energy and nutrients...
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Pools, Lakes, Sprinklers: When Are They Dangerous for Your Eyes?
Pools, lakes, water parks and sprinklers are all great for keeping you cool when the weather heats up. But is this extra time in the water hard on your...
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12 Ways to Ease Low-Back Pain While Traveling
Here’s a scenario that’s probably easy for you to imagine: You’ve just endured a grueling flight to a far-off travel destination. After your arrival at...
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10 LI Staycation Ideas
Long Island is considered a vacation destination for so many, that some of us tend to forget how lucky we are to call it home. With school still out, Your...
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5 Low-Intensity Workouts To Keep You Healthy and Stress-Free
In case you haven’t heard, everybody is obsessed with self-care. And actually, there’s pretty good reason to be. According to Stress.org, 44 percent of...
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9 Things to Start Doing at Night
If your nighttime routine consists of nothing more than changing from your work clothes into your pajamas and crawling into bed, it’s time to rethink it....
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Can Energy Drinks Make Your Heart Beat Abnormally?
Do you buy energy drinks for your children or drink them when you’re working out? New evidence shows these drinks may boost your blood pressure, and they...
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5 Weird Things That Raise Your Risk for Serious Back Pain
Back pain sucks, and it’s something the vast majority of us will have to deal with at some point in our lives. In fact, about 85 percent of people will...
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Is Air-Conditioning Bad For You?
If you’re blessed enough to have air-conditioning in your house, at some point in the summer you’ve probably parked your body directly in front of your...
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