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1643557957 cb342700 0f30 465c a0db 047283f6086e
These Are the Abs Exercises You Should Skip if You Have Lower-Back Pain
If you’ve ever tried to do a core workout and realized midway through that your back is feeling things it shouldn’t be feeling, you’re not alone. For me,...
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How to Decide if a Flu Shot is Right for You
October is the beginning of the flu season. Are you going to get a flu shot? This seems to become a more controversial question every year. Here are some...
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How to Start a Reading Habit
Regular reading adds great value to life, but it requires discipline to establish the habit. Learn how to start a reading habit, even if you were never...
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22 Simple Ways to Get Healthier With Minimal Effort
Modern society makes getting healthy harder than ever. People are busy trying to balance work, family and other responsibilities. As a result, their health...
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Teens Get Less Exercise Than the Average 60-Year-Old
You might think that the younger we are, the more active we are. But a new study turns that belief on its head: The results show that physical activity...
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Work and the Loneliness Epidemic
On August 24, 1992, in the early hours of the morning, my family and I stepped out of our temporary shelter to find our city — and our lives — forever...
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You’re Probably Drinking Coffee Wrong
Believe it or not, you’ve probably been drinking your coffee all wrong. The time that you consume coffee has a huge effect on how much it will energize you....
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15 Everyday Habits That Are Seriously Damaging Your Spine
​Your exercise routine—or lack thereof Exercise has multiple health benefits beyond weight loss, but the type of exercise that you are doing—or in some...
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What Causes Burning Back Pain?
Having the sensation of burning back pain can be very annoying and quite debilitating. There are many reasons why back pain develops, and the nature of...
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6 Health Problems That Only Seem Like Back Pain
Pretty much everyone over a certain age has back pain at some point. Who hasn’t felt a dull ache on occasion, or been frozen in their tracks by a sudden,...
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