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1643559045 1527637c 278b 4954 a8c2 896aedeee89d
Working From Home Might Take A Toll On Your Mental Health
More and more people are choosing to work from home either part time or full time. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 22 percent of employed...
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1643559038 b8d13f70 cb28 4853 87b6 6a56d3b8409e
How to Choose the Right Cane and Use It Properly
You’ve probably never thought about the purpose of a cane unless you need to use one. Depending on your individual needs, a cane can assist with any one...
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1643559031 17d9cb93 f997 456d 91ac 7c21cf08a205
If You Have Lower Back Pain, Here’s What Science Says You Should Do
Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is becoming more common as our population ages. Most people who have an episode...
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1643559023 843e59b7 5c84 4777 bd82 80498727a752
How Can I Take Care of Myself — as Well as My Teen?
Taking care of yourself when you’re a busy mom is a challenge, and raising a teen is no exception. First things first. You want to support yourself with...
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1643559014 06a94766 0dd6 44ce 978f 793dce64d2c3
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Mental Health
Ashamed. Embarrassed. Afraid. All too often, these emotions stop people from sharing their mental health concerns with a doctor. But living a full, productive...
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1643559007 461980bc 886b 4fbd a67e 5f421dec7e7b
The 6 Best Exercises to Ease Back Pain
If you’re battling back pain, your first instinct probably isn’t to hit the gym. But there’s still good reason to get moving. According to a 2018 American...
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1643558969 d4cca2f0 75e8 4fb0 8725 1deaf9c15496
7 Ways to Care for Your Legs and Feet if You Stand All Day
A pair of high-quality shoes with great support can go a long way if you stand all day for work or at a special event. But sometimes you need more than...
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1643558961 31dcb413 7e99 4cdc a4b4 170439fef7f8
5 Things Nobody Likes to Admit About Time Management
If you’re anything like me, then you’re probably someone who often gets sucked into reading a lot of blog posts that talk about all sorts of weird time...
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1643558955 4a3df5a1 50b9 48c8 ae33 a76c3ce5e6f4
5 Healthy Nighttime Snacks for Weight Loss
  Do you feel guilty if you snack at night? You’re not alone. It’s a common misconception that nighttime snacking causes weight gain, but this isn’t entirely...
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1643558948 8139f6eb 0015 4d49 8c08 2e54ff931e40
5 Easy Tips to Relieve Lower Back Pain
We’ve all had days where we’ve stood up, arched our backs, and let out a long, low, grandparent-like groan. Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments...
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