
Here Are Some Pretty Solid Reasons To Look At The Bright Side

Life is brighter when you have a sunny disposition.Optimism has a ton of perks. Research shows a positive attitude may improve heart health, boost your immune system and lift your mood.If you needed any more excuses to find a silver lining, look no further than the infograph...

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Know These Five Life-Saving Emergency Tips

Would you know what to do in an emergency? A parent has suddenly collapsed; you're at the scene of a bad accident. Of course, call 911 — but what can you do while waiting for help to arrive? In medicine, we label the early moments after an emergency the “Golden...

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How to Tell the Difference Between Toxic and Beneficial Sun Protection

There's a lot of fear surrounding the use of sunscreens in the natural-minded community, and for good reason. Many of us have heard that sunscreens contain toxic chemicals and cancer-causing ingredients, so we opt not to use these potentially hazardous ingredients on our sk...

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How Often Should You Step on the Scale?

If you're trying to lose weight, you might sometimes feel as though the bathroom scale is not your friend. But research suggests that the scale can be a powerful ally in your weight-loss effort.A study by researchers at Cornell University suggests that f...

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Why You May Experience Phantom Phone Vibrations

Have you ever felt your phone vibrating in your pocket - even when the phone is not there? Or perhaps you forgot to wear your fitness tracker one day, but still felt it going off on your wrist. What's going on here?Clinical psychologist Scott Bea, PsyD, says that thes...

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Good Stress Detoxifies Your Body Better than a Juice Cleanse

When we think of cleansing our bodies, a few vivid images come to mind: liquid juice diets in a vast array of colors, a protocol of various detoxifying teas and wallets that dwindle exponentially faster than our waistlines. Popular detoxes and cleanses may or may not prove b...

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Why Dynamic Stretching is Best For Your Young Athlete

Warming up before an activity is always a good idea to prevent injury and get ready to perform a sport or exercise.It's important that we teach our children about performing proper warm-up stretches. In recent years it’s become clear that the manner in which we d...

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5 Simple Steps to Start Living an Extraordinary Life Right Now

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is a little bit of “extra”….Anthony RobbinsI remember when someone would mention the words “extraordinary life,” the entire thought seemed only for the rich and famous. The idea seemed unreachable an...

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Easy Everyday Habits That Can Keep Your Heart Healthy

While most people know that healthy behaviors are good for overall health, it sometimes can be difficult to make the necessary lifestyle changes.Most people lead busy lives. This is why many find it difficult to fit in the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise each&nb...

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7 Often Overlooked Ways to Make Yourself Happier

Do you know how to make yourself happy? We often overlook the simple things in life that can provide us with pure joy and happiness, no matter the situation. By mindfully adding one of these simple actions into our everyday lives, we can experience an overall boost in happiness...

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